Aim for a no-surprises performance review.
Leader Rachel Patterson Leader Rachel Patterson

Aim for a no-surprises performance review.

Regular performance conversations are critical in a remote environment. Navigating the complexities of managing remote teams can be made simpler by setting clear performance expectations, measuring productivity effectively, and providing constructive feedback.

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Why can't I just have a blanket rule for remote work?
Leader Rachel Patterson Leader Rachel Patterson

Why can't I just have a blanket rule for remote work?

The temptation to implement a blanket rule for all hybrid or remote workers is driven by the desire for simplicity and uniformity. Leaders face the challenge of designing flexible work arrangements that maintain productivity while addressing the diverse needs of their teams.

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Managing outcomes rather than actions
Leader Rowan Patterson Leader Rowan Patterson

Managing outcomes rather than actions

The shift to remote work requires a rethink of management style. Traditionally, managers might have focused on the specific process employees follow to complete tasks. However, this can lead to micromanagement and distrust, particularly in remote settings where direct oversight is difficult. Instead, by clearly communicating desired outcomes to their teams, leaders can empower team members to use their expertise to determine the best ways to achieve those outcomes. This approach fosters trust, engagement, and ultimately, better results.

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Don’t rely only on presence as a sign of progress.
Leader Rowan Patterson Leader Rowan Patterson

Don’t rely only on presence as a sign of progress.

In both the office and at home, open communication and clear expectations build trust and help people to succeed. Leaders who are frustrated by lack of visibility in their remote teams can reset expectations by facilitating a discussion of expectations and communication styles as a team.

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