Convince the introverts: organising in-office time for your remote workers

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The thought of remote workers returning to a traditional office setting, even for a single day, often meets with scepticism and reluctance. However, a well-planned and purpose-driven office day can offer surprising benefits that enhance team dynamics, boost productivity, and rejuvenate company culture.

Why it matters

By balancing remote work with occasional in-person collaboration, you can leverage the strengths of both approaches, fostering a more cohesive, productive, and engaged team.

Take action

Organise an in-office day that focuses on meaningful activities that foster connections and tackles complex issues to create an experience that demonstrates the unique benefits of in-person collaboration. Here are a few strategies to make your in-office day not just productive, but also enjoyable and memorable for your remote or hybrid workforce.

Identify the tasks that are better accomplished in person

Could this be a zoom call? Don’t just ask your team to sit and listen to people speak. Focus on finding activities that are significantly better or easier in an in-person environment like:

  1. Strategic planning and brainstorming – conversations that require quick exchange of ideas
  2. Onboarding new employees – welcome the people who have joined recently, ease their transition into the team and introduce them to important stakeholders
  3. Performance reviews and feedback session – sensitive or complex feedback is often better communicated in person
  4. Complex problem solving – requiring rapid back and forth discussions and real time adjustments

Share the potential benefits with the team

Keep highlighting the reasons for bringing people together. It’s easier to do this if you genuinely support remote work. Don’t leave your team feeling like you’re trying to undermine their remote work arrangements. Focus on occasional in-person time as one element of a successful remote team that can:

  1. Boost productivity and innovation
  2. Enhance company culture by helping to align remote employees with the organisation’s purpose and mission
  3. Retain and attract staff - combining in-person collaboration with remote work can make the organisation more attractive to top talent (and assist with retention)
  4. Manage risk – ensure everyone is informed and on the same page, no one is missing vital information they need to do their job safely and well

Implement the day

When it comes time to organise the day, keep in mind your goals while accommodating the individual needs of your team.

  1. Make the event purposeful – schedule office days around key activities that benefit most from in-person collaboration. Focus the day on maximising the benefits of being together
  2. Communicate clearly – explain the reasons behind in-office days and the benefits, addressing any concerns. Give lots of notice.
  3. Maintain flexibility and continue to respect remote work arrangements that staff value.
  4. Gather feedback to ensure in-office days are meeting the needs of your staff and having a positive impact.
  5. Have some fun, take the time to celebrate and recognise achievements and just enjoy spending time together without the need to complete a task.

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