Why can't I just have a blanket rule for remote work?

020 - blanket rules

The temptation to implement a blanket rule for all hybrid or remote workers is driven by the desire for simplicity and uniformity. Leaders face the challenge of designing flexible work arrangements that maintain productivity while addressing the diverse needs of their teams.

Why it matters

Fairness in the workplace means recognising and accommodating diversity, ensuring that every employee has the support they need to thrive. Uniform policies can lead to employees feeling undervalued and less motivated to perform at their best. Considering individual work styles ensures people can work in the way that suits them best, improving productivity.

Take action

The first step to creating flexible work arrangements is to discuss with your team. Find out what they want, what works for them individually and as a team. Consider:

  • Eligibility - can all roles be effectively performed from home? Is there some in office time required?
  • Work hours - are there core hours you expect your team to be online and available?
  • Personal requirements - are there allowances you can provide that will make people’s lives much easier?
  • Team requirements - how will you collaborate and communicate? Can you agree on anchor days where everyone is in the office on the same day or at regular intervals through the year?
  • Organisational policies - are you restricted by company policy on how much flexibility you can provide? Know what the rules are before you discuss with your team.

Once you learn what will work for your team as a whole and individually, decide on guidelines. Share them with your team and include the process for requesting exceptions. Taking a thoughtful, accommodating approach to remote and hybrid work helps people feel valued, which leads to a more committed, happier and productive team.

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