You can't trust people you don't know

023 - trust

In an office trust builds organically. In a remote team you need to intentionally schedule activities that build trust.

Why It Matters

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team, but it's especially crucial for remote teams. Without face-to-face interactions, misunderstandings can easily arise, leading to frustration and decreased productivity.

Building trust in your team helps to create an environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and seeking feedback. When trust is present, team members are more likely to take risks and innovate because they know their colleagues have their back.

Take Action

Strategies for building trust

Building trust in a virtual environment requires intentional effort and consistent practices. Here are some proven strategies:

  • Clear communication

Effective communication is vital for building trust in remote teams. Ensure that expectations are clearly defined for how and when you will communicate. Use a variety of channels such as video calls, instant messaging, and emails to stay connected. See more in our article about communicating with remote teams.

  • Regular check-ins

Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with team members to discuss their progress, address concerns, and provide feedback. These check-ins help build rapport and show that you value their contributions.

  • Build relationships with people outside your team

Remote work takes away the serendipitous connections that happen day-to-day in the office. Trust is built slowly across many small interactions in the office which can be hard to replicate at home. Schedule time for your team to meet with other teams to learn what they’re doing and how you can help one another. When you have new starters, set up meetings for them with key people who will help them solve problems and get settled in their roles quickly.

  • Collaborative tools

Utilise collaborative tools like project management software and shared documents to facilitate teamwork. These tools allow everyone to stay informed about ongoing projects and contribute effectively.

  • Lead by example

Leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for trust within a team. Demonstrate reliability, honesty, and transparency in your actions. When leaders model these behaviours, it encourages others to follow suit.

  • Empowerment

Empower team members by giving them autonomy over their tasks and trusting them to make decisions. Micromanagement erodes trust; instead, focus on outcomes rather than processes.

Role of transparency

Transparency is a key component of building trust in any team but becomes even more critical in a virtual environment. Increase transparency through:

  • Open communication channels

Ensure that all team members have access to the information they need to perform their roles effectively. Share updates on company goals, changes in policies, or any other relevant news promptly.

  • Honest feedback

Encourage honest feedback from all team members and be receptive to it yourself. Constructive criticism should be welcomed as an opportunity for growth rather than seen as an attack.

  • Visibility into decision-making

Provide visibility into decision-making processes so that everyone understands how decisions are made within the organisation. This transparency helps build confidence in leadership decisions.

  • Catch up on the social

Start meetings with quick sessions where team members share something personal about themselves – this helps humanise interactions beyond work-related topics. If you’re the leader, support your team and set the tone by sharing something first.

  • Recognise success

Implement recognition programs where peers can acknowledge each other's achievements publicly – this fosters appreciation among colleagues while boosting morale.

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