
005 - Building trust_Article cover copy

Don’t rely only on presence as a sign of progress

In both the office and at home, open communication and clear expectations build trust and help people to succeed. Leaders who are frustrated by lack of visibility in their remote teams can reset expectations by facilitating a discussion of expectations and communication styles as a team.

"Ultimately, you cultivate trust by setting a clear direction, giving people what they need to see it through, and getting out of their way. It’s not about being easy on your employees or expecting less from the…

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004 Town Hall_Article cover

Hybrid Town Halls make your remote team unhappy

Hybrid Town Halls prioritise the needs of the in-office staff and leaders over the needs of remote or distributed staff. Where a large percentage of the audience is joining virtually, an all-virtual event instead ensures everyone is given the same experience and opportunity.

Why it matters

Considering the needs of everyone on your team when organising Town Hall meetings, not only creates a better experience for staff, it’s also a better use of everyone’s time (and your money).

Take action

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Diagram template

Their camera isn't actually broken

The absence of faces in online meetings presents a distinct hurdle to effective communication and engagement. 1

Why it matters

  • Cameras on in meetings improves attention and enhances learning and social experiences.
  • Effective collaboration and problem solving needs to be specifically addressed in remote work environments, it doesn’t always happen naturally.

Take action

  • Not all meetings need camera on, but for the ones that do, set expectations up front
  • Give all attendees a role, they …

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002 - Firefighting_Article cover

Lessons we can learn from extreme remote work.

Not all remote teams work from a desk. Remote area firefighting teams work in a dynamically changing environment in wilderness environments. They don’t leave things to chance. They are intentional about how they communicate, collaborate and respond to changing circumstances.

Why it matters

The outer extremes of remote working can offer useful insights for achieving high performance in any remote team.

Take action

  • Provide training to increase remote worker and leader capability.
  • Have a pla…

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001-  negotiating remote work_Article cover

Negotiating a fair remote work agreement

The tide is turning on remote work. Many employers are requesting changes to work from home arrangements that are unwelcome to many people who are feeling the benefits of remote work to their health, time and wallet. People whose lives have been changed for the better through the provision of working from home and the flexibility it brings. Families have settled into routines that require an adult at home, including school pick up or caring for a family member. 

While we're not all in a strong …

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