

018 building culture

Healthy culture = engagement = results

Culture is not about mandating “fun” team activities, it’s the shared values, beliefs, and behaviours that shape how employees interact and work together.

In remote settings, work culture is built by how you interact and collaborate virtually. It's about creating an environment where team members feel connected and engaged despite not sharing a physical space.

Why it matters

When you emphasise values-based behaviours, team members are more likely to support one another, make decisions that re…

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023 - trust

You can't trust people you don't know

In an office trust builds organically. In a remote team you need to intentionally schedule activities that build trust.

Why It Matters

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team, but it's especially crucial for remote teams. Without face-to-face interactions, misunderstandings can easily arise, leading to frustration and decreased productivity.

Building trust in your team helps to create an environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and seeking feedba…

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016 Bossware more info_Article cover copy

Get across it: the rise of bossware and employee monitoring

Employee monitoring software is becoming increasingly popular. But research shows that keeping such a close eye on employees can reduce rather than boost engagement, productivity, and worker retention.

What is bossware?

Bossware is a catch-all term for employee monitoring software.

This software is designed to measure an employee’s productivity during a workday by tracking some or all of the following:

  • Mouse movements;
  • Keystrokes;
  • Internet browsing history;
  • Visibility of employee throug…

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010 Remote standup_Article cover

The agile standup is still relevant in a remote work environment.

We spoke with agile expert Rita Tattersall about stand-ups and agile in the context of remote, hybrid and distributed workplaces.

Why It Matters

Agile stand-up meetings remain highly effective for team communication in a remote environment. While there is media debate about strictly adhering to agile principles versus adapting them, this discussion is sometimes superficial and can hinder effective teamwork. Context is crucial, and both pure agile and customised approaches have their place. IT …

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013 - virtual brainstorming_Article cover

Power up innovation in your remote team

You might think that virtual brainstorming sessions are less effective than in-person ones, but that's not necessarily true. In fact, when done correctly, virtual brainstorming can be more productive, inclusive, and efficient than traditional face-to-face sessions.

Why it matters

Remote work doesn’t have to be a barrier to innovation, it can enhance it. Teams that intentionally redesign their idea generation process for the remote environment can:

  • Harness diverse perspectives: With virtual …

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009 collaboration_Article cover copy 2

Collaboration doesn't happen naturally in remote teams.

Unlocking the true power of remote work means mastering the art of virtual teamwork – and it's a skill that can make or break your success.

Why It Matters

The collective intelligence of a team is far greater than the sum of its individual parts. This intelligence can elevate every phase of a project, from initial brainstorming to final review.

But here's the catch: the communication challenges introduced by remote work can undermine your team's collaborative efforts. That's why it's crucial t…

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008 Unlocking the virtual office_Article cover copy

Unlocking the virtual office: navigating and securing remote work opportunities

If you’re looking for a remote work opportunity or your current employer is winding back remote work options, here’s our tips for maximising your potential to secure a new remote job.

Why it matters

  • Many employers are unconvinced by remote work and are issuing return-to-office (RTO) orders to their employees.
  • Not everyone can afford (financially or communally) to forgo the flexibility that they achieved during the pandemic.
  • Some jobs and skill sets are better suited to remote work than oth…

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007 1 to 1s_Article cover

Remote 1:1s are more important than you think

One-on-one meetings with your direct reports or leader are hard to get right in person and even harder online. Experience shows that omitting one-on-one meetings is riskier than you may have thought.

The 1:1 is the only forum where you can have an honest, private, conversation with each other about what’s really going on—professionally and personally.” (Austin, 2016)

Failing to use time with direct reports in a meaningful way or, worse, skipping these meetings altogether, can lead to hig…

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006 - master visibility_Article cover copy 2

Mastering visibility is one of the keys to being seen as a “reputable employee”.

Regardless if you’re working for an old-school leader who thinks remote working is a misguided fantasy (Gerstener, 2024) or a new-school leader who’s into hybrid work, autonomy, and management by objectives (MBO), remote workers face an up-hill journey being visible and relevant. The age-old adage of “out of sight, out of mind” remains pertinent, even with the assistance of modern technology and communications.

Despite appreciating MBO and autonomy, remote workers [find they must] self-reinfor…

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001-  negotiating remote work_Article cover

Negotiating a fair remote work agreement

The tide is turning on remote work. Many employers are requesting changes to work from home arrangements that are unwelcome to many people who are feeling the benefits of remote work to their health, time and wallet. People whose lives have been changed for the better through the provision of working from home and the flexibility it brings. Families have settled into routines that require an adult at home, including school pick up or caring for a family member. 

While we're not all in a strong …

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