Unlocking the virtual office: navigating and securing remote work opportunities.
If you’re looking for a remote work opportunity or your current employer is winding back remote work options, here’s our tips for maximising your potential to secure a new remote job.
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Take action
Be clear on what you want, both in your own mind and when applying for roles (100% remote <> Hybrid <> 100% office).
Look for organisations that have a clear home-based work policy.
Avoid being scammed, select high quality job search platforms.
Tailor your resume to highlight previous remote work experience, and skills appropriate for remote working.
Prepare your virtual presence for an online interview. Being well presented in a calm and private space is key to making a positive impression.
Prepare for questions you may get at interview to specifically highlight how you effectively communicate and collaborate remotely.
Visit remote work job boards
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Go deeper
Seiter, C. (2024). How To Find Remote Jobs: Application Tips and Tricks. Link
remoters.net (2024). Remote Job Stats & Trends. Link
Ramachandran, A. (2024). Why is it hard to find remote jobs? Helpful tips to get one in 2024. Link
Coursera (2023). Dreaming of a remote job? Here are our tips for finding one. Link
Altamirano, H. (2024). It’s 60 Times Easier to Get into Harvard Than Land a Remote Job — LinkedIn’s 10 Ways to Work From Home in 2024. Link