
Remote work for individuals

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Online courses

  • Online courses for remote workers (coming soon)

We believe that it’s possible to reap the benefits of remote work while addressing the concerns. We’ll equip you with the skills to have the conversations and set up the processes to reassure your leaders that remote work can be a success for the business as well as the health and happiness of employees.

You may be loving:

  • The flexibility to set your own schedule and have a say in where you work.
  • A greater sense of independence and autonomy.
  • Improved productivity, free from distractions and interruptions.
  • The savings you’ve made in time and money when not commuting and working in an office every day.

But you may also be challenged by:

  • Monitoring that leaves you feeling like you’ve done something wrong.
  • Confusion around priorities and a lack of effective communication.
  • Return to the office policies without reasons or respect for individual circumstances.
  • The expectation to work longer and harder at home than you would in the office.
  • A sense of isolation and disconnection from colleagues, particularly those outside of your immediate team.

We can help provide you with the resources and advice to tread a successful path through these remote working challenges.