Power up innovation in your remote team

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You might think that virtual brainstorming sessions are less effective than in-person ones, but that's not necessarily true. In fact, when done correctly, virtual brainstorming can be more productive, inclusive, and efficient than traditional face-to-face sessions.

Why it matters

Remote work doesn’t have to be a barrier to innovation, it can enhance it. Teams that intentionally redesign their idea generation process for the remote environment can:

  • Harness diverse perspectives: With virtual brainstorming, you can easily include team members from different locations, backgrounds, and time zones, leading to a richer exchange of ideas.
  • Foster psychological safety: Giving people the time and space to ponder problems and submit solutions helps people to feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Particularly when they can't be as easily interrupted or intimidated.
  • Increase productivity: Virtual brainstorming eliminates the need for travel, saving time and resources while allowing team members to contribute from wherever they are working.

Take action

To maximise the potential of remote idea generation, follow a structured and iterative approach that allows for individual ideation, collaborative refinement and focused discussion. Here's a step-by-step guide to successful virtual brainstorming:

  1. Frame the problem: Take the time to clearly frame the question or challenge that you want ideas for. A well-defined problem statement will help participants understand the scope and focus their ideation efforts.

  2. Request ideas: Ask participants to spend some time individually generating ideas and submitting them through a shared document or online platform. This initial individual ideation phase allows for uninterrupted creative thinking. Allow people to submit ideas anonymously to encourage a wide range of potential solutions.

  3. Refine ideas: Review the submitted ideas, combine any duplicates, and edit for clarity where necessary. Share the refined list of ideas with participants and encourage them to review, comment, and add any additional thoughts or suggestions offline. Repeat this refinement process until you have a comprehensive list of ideas that everyone is happy with.

  4. Meet to discuss: Hold a virtual brainstorming session with all participants. Focus the discussion on the most promising ideas from the refinement process. Encourage participants to build upon, challenge, and refine these ideas further, leveraging the collective intelligence and diverse perspectives of the group.

By following this structured approach, you can harness the full potential of virtual brainstorming, ensuring that every team member has a voice, and that the best ideas are thoroughly explored and refined. This iterative process not only fosters collaboration and inclusivity but also maximises the productivity and effectiveness of your virtual brainstorming sessions.

Unlock the full potential of your remote team by downloading our free step by step checklist to virtual brainstorming. Whether you're tackling complex business challenges, developing new products or services, or simply seeking fresh perspectives, this checklist will ensure you cover all the essential bases.